Weigh in

First week of slimming world done and I lost a total of 1/2 lb. I understand a lot of people who start and the expectations of your first week is to lose up to seven pounds but to be honest I am very pleased with my results. A loss is a loss at the end of the day and as long as you know what you can improve to create better results for next week then I don’t see why anyone should be disappointed with a small loss.

Weight loss is hard and it doesn’t happen over night. All I have to remember and anyone that is starting their own weight loss journey is that you’ve made the first step in beginning your journey and starting them changes to a healthier lifestyle.

This week I am going to keep on plan, I have nothing getting in the way (no nights out, no alcohol) so I am going to increase my speed food and make sure over half of my plate is full of different varieties of SP food. Not only this, I am going to drink more water, try and cut out juice all together (even though I don’t drink excessive amounts of it) but I just need to make sure I drink at least two liters a day .

Additionally, I want to get in as much exercise as possible. Last week lacked a lot as I wasn’t very well and I didn’t go to my weekly swimming class or trampolining class, so I am definitely going to make sure I get those sessions in this week to up my body magic.

I want to count this week as my first week, I have a clear plan ahead and know the dos and don’ts to get the results I want. If I really watch what I am eating and go to the exercise classes I have planned then there is nothing stopping me from losing up to six pounds.


Wish me luck 

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